How we can help

Sexual concerns do not exist in a vacuum.
They are always connected to other issues within your self and your relationship.

Is sex therapy for you?

Sex therapy is helpful to individuals, couples and families of all types. In fact, sexual concerns are often major factors which prevent people from forming satisfying relationships. People of various ages are seen in therapy. People from all walks of life experience sexual difficulties and want accurate sexual information. Also shame, cultural taboos, shyness or embarrassment about sex affect many people.

Not everyone needs long term therapy. Many people simply need a safe place, and one or a few sessions, to talk about sex, to unload, ask questions, and receive accurate and non-judgmental information.

Some typical sexual concerns, problems and dysfunctions that we address:

Passion & Pleasure
Painful Intercourse
Midlife & Older Sex
Lubrication Problems
Low Sexual Desire
Intimacy Issues
Guilt and Shame
Gender Identity
Delayed Ejaculation
Coping with Erectile Difficulties
Becoming Orgasmic
Arousal Issues
Alternative Lifestyles
Rapid Ejaculation
Religious Boundaries
“Sex or Porn Addiction?”
Sexual Compulsivity
Sexual Mythologies
Sexual Orientation
Sexual Satisfaction
The G-Spot and Female Ejaculation
When Sex Isn’t Good
Worrisome Fantasies

What is sex therapy?

Sex therapy uses specialized skills and specific treatment approaches to sexual problems and relationship issues. It helps you clarify, set goals and resolve sexual questions or difficulties which affect you and your relationship. Sometimes physical difficulties prevent or diminish sexual pleasure. In other instances, sexual communication and intimacy may seem difficult, and unsatisfying.

How does sex therapy work?

Choosing to begin sex therapy takes confidence to risk speaking about and sharing some very private information about oneself. Your therapist will do an assessment and, when appropriate, a full social and sexual history. You finish therapy when you have accomplished your goals. At all times, you are in charge of the pace, type of growth and the changes that you make. Sex therapy sessions are confidential.

What does sex therapy treat?

Many issues are appropriate for counselling, including sexual communication and negotiation. Other topics may be frequency, mutually agreeable behaviours, extra-marital sex and managing jealousy, lack of desire or boredom with routine. Some men may have problems with erections or ejaculation and women may have concerns about orgasm, painful intercourse or lubrication. For both partners there are sexual changes through life’s stages, including the effects of pregnancy and parenting, questions in mid-life, menopause and aging, and sexual activity following illness, surgery or disability.

We also see people who have had sexual trauma: are recovering from sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation as a child and other coercive sexual experiences. We also help people become comfortable with less common eroticisms, behaviours and fetishes.

Is it always sex therapy? How about relationship and individual counselling?

Although your sexual history reflects how you interact in many other areas of your life, not all issues that bring you to therapy are of a sexual nature. We can help you create or change a relationship, including contracting an alternative lifestyle or dissolution. We assist you to perceive options, make choices and resolve your concerns.

How do you start?

We understand sex therapy takes confidence to risk speaking about and sharing some very private information about oneself. Fear and embarrassment often keep people from discussing sexual dysfunction. Simply put, reaching out with an email or phone call is the first step to address your specific needs. Interaction is warm and relaxed and all communication is held in the strictest confidence.

New Relationships

Early sexual miscues can take their toll on the relationship as a whole. Very few young couples have the experience, guidance or mentoring to commence a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship. Our problems, inhibitions, issues and baggage get worse over time. We applaud the new couple who has the strength to have an open forum in counselling, where they are able to discuss the varied sexual relationship possibilities they may be able to develop in their marriage. It is highly recommended to have sex therapy sessions before and early in the sexual relationship.Therapy is not just for problems. It is for wellness, enhancement and confidence. As in other areas, knowledge is power.

Sex in Midlife

Recapture – Restore – Rebuild – Renew

“Or, maybe just a grease job and an oil change.”

Studies have shown that mutual, sexual self-disclosure between couples contributes to relationship satisfaction, which in turn leads to greater sexual satisfaction. We have the tools to help you re-examine, re-define and re-create exciting sexuality for yourself and your partner in this next part of your journey together.